Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dreaming is Believing.

"Dreaming is believing" Have you ever really thought about what this actually means? This is something I have really been thinking about lately. Why do we dream? I don't mean when we are asleep but when we are just thinking about our future and figuring out thee desires of our heart. I think that when we dream its not jut st something we make up but our hearts are telling us that if we go after it and don't settle with something below it that we can make it happen. So no matter what never stop dream and never stop going after what you want. God knows what we are going to do so if you find God and follow him your he will give you a heart that shows you your true hopes and dreams. Normal people get so caught up in what they call "the real world" and lower their standards of what they want their life to be instead of going after the thing that they truly want the most. I am not talking about materialistic thing because those things can't always make you happy.. I am talking about something that you are passionate about because if your not passionate about it you won't get anything out of it. You only have one life so learn as much as you can, travel the world, make yourself a better person, have goals and be who you know you want to be and be who you know God wants you to be because living for someone else except God is a waste.