Thursday, February 3, 2011

20 Random questions!

1.Thing you cannot leave the house without - Ipod and cellphone
2.Favorite brand of makeup- umm high end would be Urban Decay Drugstore would be Revlon
3.Favorite Flowers- umm any colorful flowers!
4.Fav clothing stores- American Eagle
5.Fav perfume- Vi va la Juicy or Couture Couture!
6.Heels or flats- love heels .. don't have any though so I wear flats more but once I get some good heels I will wear those all the time.
7.Do you make good grades? Yes
8.Fav colors- Pink, purple, blue,green
9.Do you drink energy drinks? nope
10.Do you drink juice? yes
11.Do you like swimming? ehh its okay
12.Do you eat fries with a fork? um no
13.Whats your fav moisturizer?
14.Do you want to get married later on in life? Of course
15.Do you get mad easily? ehh sometimes
16.Are you into ghost hunting? um no
17.Any phobias? elevators
18.Do you bite your nails? nope
19.Have you ever had a near death experience? nope
20.Do you drink coffee? I love coffee but my mom doesn't like me drinking it so I usually don't

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