Monday, February 7, 2011

10 things to do when you are feeling sad

I thought of this because a couple of days ago I was sad. I didn't know why but it was just this feeling that I got.. in my head I complained about everything and I was just upset but it happens to all of us. So here are some tips for those days when you are mad or sad and you don't know why.
1. Write it out. I can't tell you how much this helps me! (make sure that you also write when you are happy too because if you ever look back to your journal you don't want it to look like you just hated your life. haha)
2. Watch a good happy movie! Nothing is better then a romantic comedy. Maybe even a sad movie would help just to get the tears out.
3. Dress up! Make yourself feel beautiful! Of course you are naturally beautiful but a lot of the time some make up and a nice outfit help =]
4. Listen to music that you love. Music always helps .. especially some good rap or serious rock music. Never bottle your feeling up but don't take it out on someone just listen to music and get it out then once all of it is out of you listen to some good happy music!
5. Tell a friend. Never tell someone that you know will not understand.. that will not help make sure it is someone you deeply trust.
6. Never do something that you know you will regret later.
7. Look at beautiful pictures. It always helps me!
8. Write down your bucket list!
9. Look up quotes to live by. There are so many quotes out there and they can help you get inspired to be a better person.
10. Once you get all of those feelings out it is done. Move on with your life and look on the upside because talking negatively never helps any situation.
Remember, it is okay to be upset but it is not okay to take it out on other people. We all have very blessed lives so never take that for granted.

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