Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pushing you Limits

This summer was extremely difficult for me because as an athlete I had nothing to really push myself towards. I wanted to get healthier and I wanted to improve myself as a person, but I found it hard to do that because I was traveling a lot and busy with other things. The Olympics were so motivating and I wanted to push myself to do something and find confidence in that, but I wanted it to be in something I love and I wanted to be good at it. You see, I have a very competitive side... it does not come out often, but it builds up. I love winning, but then again who doesn't? It's not the kind of loving winning that you know.. I'm happy I won, but I don't need to do it. I get this need to win and I don't like that about me, but I think sometimes it is a really good thing. It's a fire inside of you and probably only an athlete can really understand it. Well... actually maybe I'm wrong.. there's definitely other kind of winnings like at your job and stuff so I guess it's not only athletes. Well anyways my problem was that I could not find something to motivate myself in. I wanted to see results and what I really wanted to do was gymnastics. I wanted to train and I wanted that feeling that only gymnastics can give you. Gymnastics is one of the only things that I am very confident in, but there isn't much I can do at home and since I was so busy I couldn't find time to go to an open work out or something like that. I would watch motivational videos all the time and just missed acomplishing something everyday.
Finally, cheering started this week and although cheering is something I just do for fun it has been actually quite challenging this week. We have been doing a ton of conditioning. I've been sore and I have been feeling so good. I feel so energized and healthy. It's been hard this summer not doing anything. I worked out a little bit, but not enough to make me feel good about myself.
From being a gymnast I am very good at conditioning so doing conditioning with cheerleaders isn't very challenging. Although this week has been the hardest I've worked out in a while, I've found that I'm not sweating as much as the other girls and I don't find that I struggle that much. Gosh that sounds so cocky, but its true. I've conditioned like this my whole life. It's nothing new to me so I really shouldn't be struggling. Either way this week has really helped me with boosting my confidence and being motivated. It's the best feeling ever. So maybe I won't be that elite gymnast that wins gold or gets the scholarship and yeah I am now just a highschool cheerleader, but you better believe that I will work my butt off to be the best cheerleader I can be on that team and not only that I will work to be the best all around person that I can be in life.
With motivation and determination you can succeed at anything. Push yourself just a little bit more and you will be that much closer to your goal. No matter what that goal is. Push yourself with everything you have and you will find youself with success. I believe in you. You can do this.

"When you want to succeed as badly as you want to breathe that is when you will be successful."


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