Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm moving on.

Recently I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do and pretty much just looking ahead. I am a girl of many dreams and I want to do so many things in my life that focusing on just one thing isn't good enough for me. I have so many things I want to learn and I don't want to do just one thing anymore. That was the old me... I was always taught that if you didn't take your sport seriously and you did more then one thing you were a loser. You didn't take life seriously enough and you wouldn't get anywhere in life but my question is why learn one thing and be good when you can learn lots of things and be good at all of them? No matter what people say anymore I know me. I am not that girl anymore. I can do so many things and learn so I am not tying myself down to one thing anymore. I will not do that to myself anymore even when people don't understand. As long as it is from the soul that God gave me and to glorify His name then I am completely happy with it.
My prayer- Lord, Please bless me with the wisdom to know the things you want me to do. My life is not my own so you need to be the one to let me know what you want me to do with it. You have given me many gifts, talents, hopes and dreams so please let me know what I should do with all of them. Lord give me the strength to stand up for what I believe in and to speak the words that you want to come out of my mouth. I know by praying this my life can get harder and difficult but I only want to please You. I pray that you take away all of the sins I committed today and forgive me. Give me that courage to stop committing those sins and let me recognize my wrong doing. Let me know your voice Father and speak to me. Thank you for all of my blessings. Amen
With all my heart, Annie <3

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