Saturday, February 26, 2011


Earlier tonight I was going to write a blog post about christianity and believing in Jesus Christ but shortly after I questioned myself asking why should I be writing this blog post when I still have questions. So I will start from the beginning. In my World History class we were learning about Indians and Hinduism. We had to go on a couple different websites to look up information about that religion and their beliefs and as a started to read more into it the more I started to question "Why is our religion right?" "They think we are wrong and we think they are wrong so what makes us so much greater then them when it comes to the right beliefs?" These thoughts were going through my head and they frightened me quite a bit. I was scared because whenever I question I start feeling so lost without God. I have been attacked by Satan before and I know how it feels to just feel so lost. I remember one time when I was younger I saw a post on a christian song or something like that on the internet and under it was a comment bashing God and saying not good things about christians and after I read that .. I questioned and I never have felt so lost in my life, I was pacing, I couldn't sit still and I didn't know what to do with myself. I kind of felt that way this time but it was more relaxed and I stayed strong knowing that the Lord was with me through the attacks from Satan. I knew the first thing I had to do was talk to my mom and after talking to her I do feel so much better. I have no reason to question. Twelve different people saw Jesus rise from the dead and conquer the thing that is most peoples worst fear. Jesus is probably the most popular person that has ever walked this earth and he arose from the dead thousands of years ago.. He obviously did something to be that popular. In history we also learned a little bit about Gandhi ... Now with Gandhi he went to school to be a lawyer till soon after he decided to live as a simple man, he lived like he was poor. He DECIDED to live life as a poor so he could understand their lives better. With Jesus.. He was BORN poor to be able to understand some of the worst situations. He didn't have to bring himself down to be able to understand our feelings and our hardships. I am not going to lie.. I was a little scared about admitting to my mom that this freaked me out a bit because for this history class we had to fill out a little sheet so that my history teacher could learn more about us and one of the questions was "Do you feel comfortable talking about religion in class?" Not really thinking about what that could mean I said Absolutely.  I feel terrible. I should have thought that more through. So therefore I do not blame this class or teacher at all. On Monday I will tell my teacher my situation and explain that I am okay to talk about different religion to point. When it comes to God believing is in your heart and not in you head. When you are attacked by Satan or we start to question the love of God it is all in our head because Satan can't attack our hearts because that is where Jesus is and He is there protecting us as long as we invite Him in. We are able to protect our minds by ourself and that is where the Bible comes in.. to reassure our head that He is always there for us and that he loves us more then we will ever know and as long as you know that Satan will never be able to mess with your head. My goal is to get to that place but right now I am only 15 years old and I am still learning.  
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.

1 Corinthians 16:13,14 NASB

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