Saturday, March 5, 2011


Right now I am so stressed. I am trying to keep everything straight and keep calm but I am soon going to break down. School is so difficult for me right now because I have two B's and I don't take having B's very well. I want my grades to be top notch but right now they are not. I am doing really well in history with a 98% and in Creative Writing with a 100% but I am having trouble with Science and Math. Math has never been my best but last semester  I did get an A in that subject and Science has never been my thing ... I just don't get it and I have trouble understanding why people would even need to study it. I hate that  I don't want to learn about it because ususally I can find myself a legit reason that  I would need to study it but with science I just can't get over not liking it and of course you need to learn how this earth was made and how it is put together but I have issues with keeping myself interested in it.  It is times like these that I wish school came easily to me. I know people that it just comes so easy to them and they barely have to study but with me it takes a lot of time for me to memorize and understand these things and it's not like I don't try, or don't care or don't study because I do do these things but they just are a harder for me.  So here are my goals for March 2011.
  • Get my grades up.
  • Eat healthier/ be secure with my body
  • Read more/ do Bible study more
  • Keep my attitude in check
  • Exercise consistently
  • Write like it's my job
  • Get my life organized
  • Last but not least, Stay calm,don't freak out and stay stress free
Okay so with the being healthy thing. I really do try to be healthy and I get this all of a sudden inspiration to loose weight and get fit again but then slowly I get back into my same eating habits.  I don't want that to happen anymore. I want to be muscular again and look fit. If I could choose one thing I miss about being a gymnast it would be my body. When someone called me fat I never believed it because I had a six pack to prove that  I wasn't. I don't have that six pack anymore and I would love it back and I also just want to love my body.  I want to feel confident in my swimsuit. So that is another one of my goals for this month.
I always have read and do my Bible Study on my goal list because you can never read too much or learn too much about the Bible.. so yeah.
Attitude needs to get in check. I wouldn't say I have been having a bad attitude but I can do better. I don't want to be able to give my parents a reason to be upset with me.
Exerciseee... kinda goes with the being healthy thing :p
Writing is a gift that God gave me... and I almost never get to do it just for me. I love writing. It is my escape.  I can say anything and be anything and I want to write more. So that is another goal.
Organize my life just mean cleaning out my room and getting on a schedule keeping on a pace and not having anything disorganizing what I have to do to complete all of my goals. It only takes 21 days for something to be a habit. :)
I tend to freak out if something in my life goes wrong .. like I do bad on a test or something but I also want that to change.  I want to be the 3 C's .. Calm, cool and collected. Life is short so I might as well Enjoy the ride.


  1. Annie, It's Mal again (you probably know that though)

    Anyways. I know exactly what you mean. I have been feeling stressed too. I am trying really REALLY. hard to keep an A average this year, but last semester I am pretty sure I kind of ruined that. it really upsets me for some reason. I guess it is just because.. well I don't know. I don't want bad stuff on my record that will come back and bite me later...

    Science and math are really getting to me lately. Especially science. I am also one of those people who have to keep working at it to understand things. I have spent many hours trying to get things down... and, the only people i have that will help me are you, my teachers, and my friend, who, barely is aloud to, because she has to get her work done too, which, I don't want her failing just to help me either.

    I don't like getting B's because i always feel li could have done better, last semester, i thought i had a D in a class, and i was VERY upset, i had hardly gotten a C in a class before! It turns out i actually had a C after all, but still. It wasn't work i felt proud of. I decided then that i would try harder this semester, and i have better grades, but i can feel them slipping, and everything that was organized and together is starting to crumble.

    I love your blog because you and I seem to have the same intrests, and problems, sometimes when i read your blog it helps me get ideas of what i can do with my problems.


  2. I know. School is so stressful. I hate getting B's ... :/ I try really hard. I wish I was one of those people that doesn't have to try when it comes to school. It would be a lot easier then. I am going to check out your blog right now! I love having someone that shares all of my interests =] <3<3<3
