Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Sometimes you have to do things that you don't like to do"

I feel like I get told this all the time! I hate it because no one wants to do things that they don't enjoy doing. Even though we don't like doing that one thing it could help us later in our life. Like last week I decided that  I didn't want to do 3 meter diving anymore and I only wanted to do 1 meter. I didn't want to do it anymore because I didn't enjoy it and then I realized that everything  I wanted to get out of diving would be down the drain. When I quit gymnastics it wasn't just because I didn't enjoy anymore it was way worse then that it got to the point where even just thinking about going it would bring me to tears. I started to hate being there and doing gymnastics. I never hated 3 meter diving but it just wasn't my favorite. So after thinking about what I really wanted and why I was quitting and was it worth giving away what could be I changed my mind. The good things that could come from doing 3 meter diving
  • College Scholarship (this is definitely not guaranteed but anything is possible) 
  • winning and actually being good at it.
Even though I stopped gymnastics I am not a quitter. I am not someone that quits something easily because even if I don't someting  I will keep with it because I love to win. My need to win is bigger then my want to stop doing something that I am not the biggest fan of. I realized that about myself this week. At the end of my gymnastics career I thought I wasn't competitive but what really happen was that I stopped caring. It just didn't bother me anymore because I was burned out. I love diving now and because I love it I want to win and do my best in this sport but if I learned anything about myself this week it is that I am not a quitter and sometimes you have to do things you don't love to get where you truly want.

Songs that pump me up and give me that winning attitude

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